Ughhh shitty fucking people!
my "best friend" just texted me to let me know she doesnt think I can be the maid of honor to her wedding because she thinks Im to busy to be there for her.
TEXTED me that shit... really??? Im the only one thats there for her ALWAYS.... the only one with out kids and a drug dealing habit. shes an hour away and she KNOWS I would drop ANYTHING for her to be there... everything shes asked me to do to help out Ive done. WTF
I already spend the $160 on the dress... and if I dont do MOH then I would have to get ANOTHER dress... WTF?!
sooo pissed
apparently thats what I get for being there for years through thick and thin. shes marrying a controlling psycho thats going to ruin her life.
bad fuckin week already.
On another note... I sent in a set last night.... we will see what they say... and once I get that answer I will submit the other one we just shot and finished editing.
well much love
Im going to go die for a little while.

my "best friend" just texted me to let me know she doesnt think I can be the maid of honor to her wedding because she thinks Im to busy to be there for her.
TEXTED me that shit... really??? Im the only one thats there for her ALWAYS.... the only one with out kids and a drug dealing habit. shes an hour away and she KNOWS I would drop ANYTHING for her to be there... everything shes asked me to do to help out Ive done. WTF
I already spend the $160 on the dress... and if I dont do MOH then I would have to get ANOTHER dress... WTF?!
sooo pissed
apparently thats what I get for being there for years through thick and thin. shes marrying a controlling psycho thats going to ruin her life.
bad fuckin week already.
On another note... I sent in a set last night.... we will see what they say... and once I get that answer I will submit the other one we just shot and finished editing.
well much love
Im going to go die for a little while.

I hope the rest of your week gets better until it becomes kick ass!