i got a part time job at brighter day coffee in brevard,besides the cafe',and its so nice. i dont have to do much of shit and i get alot of time to read.right now im reading johnny cash' autobiography : Cash. What a dream boat.i'd run off with him in a damn minute. our garden in comming along beautifully. alena makes everything so lovely.we bought this fancy fountain to put in the middle of my herb garden but these bastard children ( ages 3 and 7) keep filling it with mud when i'm not home and crushing our flowers. my step dad said i should scatter broken glass and nails around my property to keep them at bay.im thinking about it.
out dog clementine had 6 fat puppies a month ago and we're keeping one with brown speckles on it,we named it Seal. im so happy with all my little beasts. anyone want puppies?
alena's mother called to say she's comming to the wedding and i was shocked because for onbe, slives in upstate ny and we live in nc, and second - i thought she hated the gay';s
also, can anyone recomend what i should do with my life?thanks
out dog clementine had 6 fat puppies a month ago and we're keeping one with brown speckles on it,we named it Seal. im so happy with all my little beasts. anyone want puppies?
alena's mother called to say she's comming to the wedding and i was shocked because for onbe, slives in upstate ny and we live in nc, and second - i thought she hated the gay';s
also, can anyone recomend what i should do with my life?thanks