Dear DC Comics,
I love your stuff. Your comic books have made up a huge part of my life, and I absolutely love what you've done with some characters over the years. Batman continues to be one of the greatest hero stories I've ever read, and they wonderful universe that you've created that houses one of the most fantastic and varied casts of heroes and...
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I love your stuff. Your comic books have made up a huge part of my life, and I absolutely love what you've done with some characters over the years. Batman continues to be one of the greatest hero stories I've ever read, and they wonderful universe that you've created that houses one of the most fantastic and varied casts of heroes and...
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Dear god...Now I have to write and produce a show combining Lord of the Rings and the O.C. It will be my ulitimate act of blasphemy.
I'm sick. I've got chest congestion and a sore throat, not to mention body aches and sleeplessness. I've been having a weird kind of week, but I was doing my best to keep it together. My whole semester has been strange, and really difficult at times, but because of my wonderful friends, and Sarah, it's been that much easier to do as well.
Only a...
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Only a...
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I imagine its rough, because I don't like my dad at all and I'm pretty sure I would still be fucked up if he up and died, at least for a little while. I guess its really fortunate that you've had such good experiences with him though. That can never be undone, by anything, and his actions and life will continue through you, no matter what.
Yesterday, I was looking for something to read, and I grabbed a fantasy book. I read the first few pages, and it was just terrible. I flipped through some of my favorite fantasy books that I've read, and it just seems like I've out grown the genre. Now, the book in question, is some sort of piece involving *gasp* an ancient evil brought back to...
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I think the maturity of it is realizing that those books have a place, and being able to enjoy them for what they are. When we were younger we had a unique perspective on these things that we could never have now, and it gave certain works a magical gloss, but right now we also have a unique perspective that is just as good.
Hell's Half Acre - Will Christopher Baer
Im getting cozy with the idea that time is circular, that time lost will come back.
I find myself outside in the final minutes before dark falls over California and I am confronted by an apocalyptic sunset. The odds of those happening today and not tomorrow seem astronomical or anyway too staggering for my small brain to...
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Im getting cozy with the idea that time is circular, that time lost will come back.
I find myself outside in the final minutes before dark falls over California and I am confronted by an apocalyptic sunset. The odds of those happening today and not tomorrow seem astronomical or anyway too staggering for my small brain to...
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Knoxville, Tennessee. It's a medium size city in the North-Eastern part of Tennessee, very close to the North Carolina border. I lived there for all of my life, except for what has been spent in this bustling metropolis of Salisbury. Nothing ever really happened there, at all. It was just that nothing happened to me, I suppose, more so than nothing at all happened. My...
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Im not normally one to greatly bemoan the actions of those that I have previously dated, especially since I pretty much have zero grounds to be taking any sort of moral stance when it comes to them. However, I read something my ex posted in her Livejournal about how she finds certain musicians and artists to be so incredibly attractive and arousing. I could really...
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Ew. Zac Hanson? I liked him in the 5th grade!
Don't feel bad. It's taken a lot of dick praise to rebuild my shattered ego after I dated a girl for two years (who was my first) that told me I never satisfied her when we had sex. The way I see it is (drum roll), if they aren't getting off, then it's their fucking fault for not communicating or at least attempting to discover what it is that does get them off. Guys are easy because if it's wet and slippery, then we are pretty much okay, but even if you did have a manual on women you would still be disadvantaged because women are so complex and varied in what they like and what makes them feel good. Maybe this is sexist and generalized, but the point is, it doesn't matter what some chick you used to date says about you. When you still have emotional attachments it can hurt, but she is probably the least credible and most biased source for information on you. From somebody who never has and never will fuck you, take my word for it: you rock, man.
My dog, Gyp, died last Wednesday about 1p.m. I loved Gyp. He was my Id. He sat around all day, being more intelligent than he had to be, and was a benevolent little ball of energy that got excited about everything. I miss him, and he was the only other thing besides the Round Table that I really missed about Knoxville.
Otherwise, it's good to...
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Otherwise, it's good to...
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I was not even aware that you were on here. Awesome.
I'm diabetic. I have a non-functioning organ, my pancreas, which is at this very moment inhabiting valuable real estate somewhere in my chest cavity. I do not have the ability to produce natural insulin, so, I have to inject synthetic insulin into my body at intervals [read: whenever I start to feel like shit] during the day. I do not take good care of my...
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Well, shit dude.
At least you have a membership on the most awesome website ever. That's a positive, probably.
Just make sure you test yourself after looking at the Girls; they're pretty sweet! Get it!? HAH HAH Awww
At least you have a membership on the most awesome website ever. That's a positive, probably.
Just make sure you test yourself after looking at the Girls; they're pretty sweet! Get it!? HAH HAH Awww