I saw Skinny Puppy at the Marquee Theatre a few hours ago. I'll admit that I'm not a huge fan of theirs and have to be in the right mood to listen to them, but I am well aware of the influence they have had over what became some of my favorite bands in the nearly 30 years of their existence. I have been wanting to see them live for mostly this reason. As luck would have it, they happened to be playing here on one of my days off. On the flip side of that, I couldn't get anyone to go with me. Oh well. It's not the first show I've toughed alone, and it won't be the last. Tends to happen when your friends are nowhere near the music fan you are.
There were a few minor annoyances, but I still had a good time. I did my usual pre-show-in-Tempe ritual and grabbed something to eat at the Cornish Pasty and then headed over to the Marquee. I like getting to bigger shows like this a little early, but I wound up being the fourth person there at just about an hour before doors opening. I expected more people to be there already. It was awkward for a while, because no one was talking. Even the two teenage girls that were dropped off shortly after I got there just sat and said nothing. Thankfully more people showed up, and conversation followed.
We were finally let inside and I headed to the merch table. I didn't want to spend too much and opted to buy a hat over a tour shirt. I had been meaning to get a hat, and they had some, so it seemed like the logical progression. Plus, I decided I didn't need another black t-shirt.
After a little while, the opening act went on. It was just one guy that kind of looked like a bum that just played a guitar on top of backing tracks/samples. I wasn't feeling it and went back to the lobby. A lot of people wound up doing that. I went back in when his set was over and secured a spot near the front even though I said I wasn't going to do that. Everything seemed fine. I was talking to a cool older guy for a while until SP came out, and then I was reminded of why I don't like going to bigger shows. Some douche behind me was dancing in a highly crowded area and kept nailing me with his elbow. I use the term dancing lightly. He looked more like a one man moshpit by the way he was flailing his arms around. After the third time he nailed the back of my head, and numerous times over the rest of my body, I was about ready to put my elbow in his face. I fully understand there is some shit you have to put up with if you want to be up front. A lot of it makes the concert experience, but this was just one guy and I was the only person he was hitting. Before I gave into rage, the actual moshpit broke out behind us and everyone got shoved around. This put the douche far enough away from me to make me happy. The only problem is an equally more annoying guy was shoved in front of me. This guy must have been drunk or on something. He kept backing up and pushing me back. He wasn't being shoved into me, he was actually taking steps backward right into me. I repeatedly shoved the guy forward, and after the fourth time he got pissed off. He turned completely around, shouted something, and then lunged flying right past me. I figure he didn't realize I was the one shoving him. Three other guys behind me grabbed him and then tossed him onto the ground into the mosh pit. Then two other guys, who I assume were security, rushed him and I didn't see him again. I got to enjoy the rest of the show after that. Sure, there was still a lot of crowding and moshpit backlash, but that's part of being up front. I was totally cool with that.
Douchebags and a terrible opening act aside, it was a good show. I also applaud anyone who actually read all of that, or even just skimmed over it.
There were a few minor annoyances, but I still had a good time. I did my usual pre-show-in-Tempe ritual and grabbed something to eat at the Cornish Pasty and then headed over to the Marquee. I like getting to bigger shows like this a little early, but I wound up being the fourth person there at just about an hour before doors opening. I expected more people to be there already. It was awkward for a while, because no one was talking. Even the two teenage girls that were dropped off shortly after I got there just sat and said nothing. Thankfully more people showed up, and conversation followed.
We were finally let inside and I headed to the merch table. I didn't want to spend too much and opted to buy a hat over a tour shirt. I had been meaning to get a hat, and they had some, so it seemed like the logical progression. Plus, I decided I didn't need another black t-shirt.

After a little while, the opening act went on. It was just one guy that kind of looked like a bum that just played a guitar on top of backing tracks/samples. I wasn't feeling it and went back to the lobby. A lot of people wound up doing that. I went back in when his set was over and secured a spot near the front even though I said I wasn't going to do that. Everything seemed fine. I was talking to a cool older guy for a while until SP came out, and then I was reminded of why I don't like going to bigger shows. Some douche behind me was dancing in a highly crowded area and kept nailing me with his elbow. I use the term dancing lightly. He looked more like a one man moshpit by the way he was flailing his arms around. After the third time he nailed the back of my head, and numerous times over the rest of my body, I was about ready to put my elbow in his face. I fully understand there is some shit you have to put up with if you want to be up front. A lot of it makes the concert experience, but this was just one guy and I was the only person he was hitting. Before I gave into rage, the actual moshpit broke out behind us and everyone got shoved around. This put the douche far enough away from me to make me happy. The only problem is an equally more annoying guy was shoved in front of me. This guy must have been drunk or on something. He kept backing up and pushing me back. He wasn't being shoved into me, he was actually taking steps backward right into me. I repeatedly shoved the guy forward, and after the fourth time he got pissed off. He turned completely around, shouted something, and then lunged flying right past me. I figure he didn't realize I was the one shoving him. Three other guys behind me grabbed him and then tossed him onto the ground into the mosh pit. Then two other guys, who I assume were security, rushed him and I didn't see him again. I got to enjoy the rest of the show after that. Sure, there was still a lot of crowding and moshpit backlash, but that's part of being up front. I was totally cool with that.
Douchebags and a terrible opening act aside, it was a good show. I also applaud anyone who actually read all of that, or even just skimmed over it.
I like your username.
