So I reactivated my account. A lot of shit happened to me. Most of it bad. But I'm working on moving on.
So, I wound up moving. It isn't really a drastic change, just about 20 miles from where I used to be. I'd say this is a much needed change for me. I'm mostly settled in. Just need to go back and get some other shit that I couldn't haul over before.
So, I saw Rammstein when they played here a few weeks ago. Never could get into them before, but for some reason I decided to pay ridiculously overpriced tickets to see them at the last minute. It is rare that I would go to a huge show like this, or even for a band that I am not even into, but I have to admit...
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hey i just followed you on twitter <3
Two blog posts in two days? Felt like I should have mentioned this in yesterday's post, but didn't want to jinx it considering the luck I have. I finally got another job. After being treated like shit at my current job for the last few years, I finally have some hope of leaving the place entirely. I used to enjoy my job at Denny's, but...
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Let's see if I can be a little more active on here again. Not really a whole lot to say about me, as usual. Except that I shaved my head a few months back to the surprise of everyone I know. My hairline was receding enough anyway and didn't want to become one of those guys with a painfully obvious comb over. Thought it was...
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Kept considering it for months. Finally managed to work up the nerve to do it a few months ago.
That's a pretty decent look for you man, and it's good to do that. Rather than the alternative. Kudos
Well so much for regularly updating this. Not that I really have anything interesting to say, but eh. I'm still slowly teaching myself how to play the guitar. I finally got around to recording myself play some stuff I learned a while ago, and then learned something new.
Hopefully I keep up with the playing. I guess I'll see how that goes.
Hopefully I keep up with the playing. I guess I'll see how that goes.
I've been trying to teach myself how to play the guitar for some time now. Being my own worst critic, I still say I suck but I still know that I am improving. The first thing that I learned how to play was Gary Jules' version of Mad World. I finally got around to recording myself playing and singing the song. It feels weird posting...
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I'm going to try and keep up with these things. Not really a whole lot going on with me. Had a lot of fun at that concert I talked about in my last post. I actually did like Ikonoklast this time. Though, the alcohol may have been a factor in that. I know I wouldn't have been able to stand Hanzel und Gretyl if it...
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thanx 4 the jackoffjill info...nice pick btw god bless 

As usual, it has been a while since I have done one of these. I doubt anyone actually reads this anyway, but anywho. Not much has been going on with me. Aside from my job fucking me over on hours and being flat ass broke. I got my hours back for this week, but no telling if that will last. Maybe it is sinking in...
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I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar... I know a couple basics... But I'm sure I've forgotten it all by now