So...WHAT the fuck happened and WHERE the fuck did I go?
After being jobless for 7 months, my grandfather passing away, a failed SG relationship, the worst date of my life, a candidate for eventual marriage showing me that she thought of me as just another average fuckface and my health maintaining a lack of normality, 2 things happened: I was too broke to stay in CA and I became borderline suicidal (accompanied by extreme depression).
I tried to stay in LA with a producer friend, but I had no drive/ability to continue with music at that time. To top it off, the fear and anxiety I felt was overwhelming. So, I moved to Las Vegas which is where I am now with my mom and cousin.
But have NO FEAR! I'm back, I'm happy and I'm doing very well. I am proud to say that I've beaten depression and am no longer depressed or suicidal. I have 2 jobs, a fantastic therapist, a few new friends and am dating someone who is amazing. I have started to write songs again- after stopping entirely for a few months- so I will be continuing to make music (I came very close to quitting altogether).
I am very glad to be back and appreciate all the love and support you have all given/showed me both before I left, during my absence, and now, upon my return. I cannot thank you enough for it all.
So please talk to meh! I've missed all of you and hope that you are all fantastic!
Your very own,
P.S. Any kickass Vegas SG'ers out there?
After being jobless for 7 months, my grandfather passing away, a failed SG relationship, the worst date of my life, a candidate for eventual marriage showing me that she thought of me as just another average fuckface and my health maintaining a lack of normality, 2 things happened: I was too broke to stay in CA and I became borderline suicidal (accompanied by extreme depression).
I tried to stay in LA with a producer friend, but I had no drive/ability to continue with music at that time. To top it off, the fear and anxiety I felt was overwhelming. So, I moved to Las Vegas which is where I am now with my mom and cousin.
But have NO FEAR! I'm back, I'm happy and I'm doing very well. I am proud to say that I've beaten depression and am no longer depressed or suicidal. I have 2 jobs, a fantastic therapist, a few new friends and am dating someone who is amazing. I have started to write songs again- after stopping entirely for a few months- so I will be continuing to make music (I came very close to quitting altogether).
I am very glad to be back and appreciate all the love and support you have all given/showed me both before I left, during my absence, and now, upon my return. I cannot thank you enough for it all.
So please talk to meh! I've missed all of you and hope that you are all fantastic!
Your very own,
P.S. Any kickass Vegas SG'ers out there?

Hey man, glad to hear you got through that rough spot! Keep in touch Mach!