Is the morally "right" choice ever the wrong choice? How can I regret something so much when I did the right thing? Sometimes, I feel like my "good" heart makes me incredibly moronic. Am I going to live life slaying good, pleasurable opportunities for myself my whole life? Am I going to always be the sacrificial lamb for the happiness of others less deserving than me? I live life as though to not be punished for my actions later on, afterwards or even in the next life...but does that equate to living a fulfilling life for me in the now? Fuck.
There's a good balance. Some people might think I'm a bad person for having done drugs, or not going to church, whatever. Whatever makes YOU feel right, is usually the right thing, as long as you're not a sociopath with no regard to other people's feelings. But if you ask my friends... I'm a great person. So, i think it's all common sense. What's "morally right" might be completely wrong to someone else. It's perception as well. Anyway, I ramble. I say, you do you, and let everyone else do themselves.
woah I never go that deep here on SG. But.... yes?