WHOOOOOOO we made it on the front page today!!!
go show Golden some love for its long awaited debut.
its been incredibly busy here on the machete front!
ive started my etsy store for knitted luxury beanies. go check that shit too. if you like hipster slouch beanies or even snug beanies go get at it.
Machete Shoppe
also if you hadnt known my wedding was aired on Discovery Channels "American Chopper" in septemeber.
My Wedding Clip
also as you can see i no longer have blonde hair!
it was a huuuge decision for me but im very glad i did it. its very refreshing to reinvent yourself every once in awhile.
Happy Holidays to everyone! my new years resolution is going to not be so damn absent on the site in the year 2013. ive missed all my friends on here. love you guys! and thank you for all of the love!
Rubs and Tugs,

go show Golden some love for its long awaited debut.

its been incredibly busy here on the machete front!
ive started my etsy store for knitted luxury beanies. go check that shit too. if you like hipster slouch beanies or even snug beanies go get at it.
Machete Shoppe

also if you hadnt known my wedding was aired on Discovery Channels "American Chopper" in septemeber.
My Wedding Clip
also as you can see i no longer have blonde hair!
it was a huuuge decision for me but im very glad i did it. its very refreshing to reinvent yourself every once in awhile.

Happy Holidays to everyone! my new years resolution is going to not be so damn absent on the site in the year 2013. ive missed all my friends on here. love you guys! and thank you for all of the love!
Rubs and Tugs,

succhh a preeeetttyyy¡¡