Spring Break is over, far too quickly for my tastes. Time to get the comments written on the papers I've graded, and to get writing that essay due on Tuesday. (The essay is only five pages long, thank God.) I didn't get much work done tonight as I was feeling depressed, and tried to cheer myself up through relaxation. I woke up around eleven, today, missing church again as usual. I needed the sleep, as I may be up late tonight.
I've managed to get past my tendency to berate myself, as I've come to realize that virtually everyone in the graduate program is in the same boat as me, including students I know for a fact aren't lazy. I'm taking a much more pragmatic view of things, which is extremely beneficial to my emotional and mental health. For example, from now on I'm just going to take Saturdays off, as I never manage to work productively then anyway, and the relaxation would do me good.
I'm getting better at finding emotional coping mechanisms on the whole. It's a mixture of getting more mature and taking concrete steps to combat my anxieties. This doesn't mean my issues with anxiety are gone, but their greatly reduced.
I've managed to get past my tendency to berate myself, as I've come to realize that virtually everyone in the graduate program is in the same boat as me, including students I know for a fact aren't lazy. I'm taking a much more pragmatic view of things, which is extremely beneficial to my emotional and mental health. For example, from now on I'm just going to take Saturdays off, as I never manage to work productively then anyway, and the relaxation would do me good.
I'm getting better at finding emotional coping mechanisms on the whole. It's a mixture of getting more mature and taking concrete steps to combat my anxieties. This doesn't mean my issues with anxiety are gone, but their greatly reduced.