I recently left a Facebook group I belonged to, Liberal Democratic Party, and founded my own rival group. The reason for this was that I got sick of the Founder of the former group using it as a vehicle to promote his religious beliefs. Although I am a Unitarian Universalist Humanist who attends church, I believe very firmly in the separation of church and state. I find the attempts by other people to impose their religious beliefs on society to be offensive and bigoted.
What I found particularly amusing was the fact that although the religious people on the group claimed they found me confrontational, they were the ones who started using foul language. I kept trying to make reasonable arguments, but they just sank deeper and deeper into their religious prejudices.
What I found particularly amusing was the fact that although the religious people on the group claimed they found me confrontational, they were the ones who started using foul language. I kept trying to make reasonable arguments, but they just sank deeper and deeper into their religious prejudices.
I'm totally with you on the separation of church and state! It frustrates me to no end when people who are otherwise pretty reasonable don't get it!