A lot of things in life have opposites such cold can’t exist without heat, goodness without evil, love without hate but in everything there is optimism if we embrace opposites for example ..you can’t have courage if you don’t embrace your vulnerability...you can’t have beauty if you don’t embrace your flaws.
We grow up judging others by their appearance and disabilities ( believe me we all have them in one kind or another) but then we overlook the other opposites of them and embrace them. Here’s an example, someone might have MS but inside their is this amazing person waiting to be discovered. These same people have faced challenges we may never know those challenges made them the most beautiful souls. And when we realize this, we realize how much we miss out in life. Those challenges may have been harrowing but it built them up. And sometimes these challenges end up making them create a new narrative in their life, a story to tell and it enriches their lives beyond we never thought possible. If shared it could enrich someone else’s life because we experiences the same thing and we all need a mentor.
I guess the one word I see from all of this is love. Love is all we need. Embrace other people, there is a diamond in the rough in every person. This is how you leave this earth a better place than you found it. :)