Don’t change so people can like you, be yourself and the right people will love you 💕
I’m reminded everyday how sometimes it can be a challenge and some days it goes by effortless. And each day it becomes a part of our story that one day we will tell someone and they will be inspired and for that we’re are remembered. I’m reminded of a credo we had at Apple and for 8 years there, it has transformed my life in...
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So COVID-19 has the changed the world as we know it and has claim so many lives but this doesn’t mean the end of the world but a chance to see things differently. And we all have to follow the rules of wearing a mask, social distancing etc but it doesn’t mean our life comes a complete stand still and just stay home cooped up...
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A lot of things in life have opposites such cold can’t exist without heat, goodness without evil, love without hate but in everything there is optimism if we embrace opposites for example can’t have courage if you don’t embrace your can’t have beauty if you don’t embrace your flaws.
We grow up judging others by their appearance and disabilities ( believe me we...
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Embrace your vulnerability and your beauty will know no bounds.
" I always find beauty in things that are odd and imperfect- they are much more interesting" - Marc Jacobs. And believe me, we are all odd and imperfect so therefore nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she knows she is beautiful.