Hey, Been a while.
Went to Reno this last weekend. HAD A FUCK"N great time. I took a freind up with me. She preety cool. We went out clubing and DRINKING. We went to one club and meet another couple. Between my freind and Jona, They had just about every women in the club dancing and
more with me in no time. IT WAS AWSOME. I wwent up to our room to get a camera. When I got back, my frind was gone.
. I freaked. The rule we set was not to go anywere without the other knowing. She was gone. I finally checked the womens bathroom. The ladies told me to come on in. I found her passed out in the stall. I finally got her up to the room. She spent the next hour wasting a $30.00 dinner and 50 bucks in bozz. We still had a kick ass time before that.We now think someone slipped something in her drink. So men watch out for your lady friends. If we hadn't made the rules and I had gone looking for her??????? But, I had so all was safe.We're looking forward togoing back up again. She told me she's going to stay alot closer to were i'm at next time.
Went to Reno this last weekend. HAD A FUCK"N great time. I took a freind up with me. She preety cool. We went out clubing and DRINKING. We went to one club and meet another couple. Between my freind and Jona, They had just about every women in the club dancing and