Hey all, long time no see! I miss you guys! We need to hurry up and get our internet up and running cause no SG is killing me! Weeeeeeeelllllllllllll, I'm back in CO, well not right this second, but I was. Dan came home last Tuesday. Finally!!! Home, and away from Iraq! We went to his welcome home ceremony. It was so good to have him back and not have to worry about him anymore. Things have been really wierd, but what do you expect when our divorce is supposed to be final in like 2 weeks!? I left that Friday to come back to TX for a tattoo convention in San Antonio. This one was so much better than Austin's, but once you enter, you cannot leave unless you buy another ticket, so that sucked. I got to see the porn star, Ron Jeremy. I guess if you're that damn ugly you BETTER be packing a 13 incher! LOL No way in hell was I gonna pay extra money to meet that ugly mutha! I got some more work done once I got back down to Houston. Mark finished up my Monchichi, redid the monkeys on my right arm, and started coloring in my seahorse on my leg. The actual cover up part of it is done, which is the rocks, and he colored in most of the sea horse. That one still has a ton of work that needs to be done, but atleast it's on it's way. I hate having just outlines! I still have Squirt from finding Nemo outlined on my left arm. He'll get colored in about two weeks. Can't wait. I'm also getting some stuff tatted from the disney movie Tarzan and Curious George. Those, ofcourse will be on my monkey arm! Are tats fun?! Anyway, I just hung out with my sister, daughter and Marks kids most of the time. I love his kids to death. His daughter said she wishes I was her mom. That was so sweet. Both kids begged me to move back to Houston cause they miss me. It feels good to have little ones love you like that. They are real sweeties. Precious children. The shop where I get all my work done here in Houston, Houz of Ink, is doing so well lately. I'm so glad. Mark is such a fabulous artist. You have got to see this tattoo he did on my friends rib cage. She is a fucking beauty. When I come back down in two weeks I will definitely take some picks and post them up. That is the best tat I've seen in a long time. It wins awards at these conventions. WOW!!! Like I said, I'll be back down here from the middle to the end of March. We're coming back so he can see his family. Yay, time with the inlaws who can't stand me, looking forward to that! I'm gonna try my best to get a set done while I'm down. I'm getting kinda discouraged not being able to find a photographer to do it. I have been working on my body and my tats so I'm looking pretty good right now! lol Anyway, I will try to update as much as I can while not having internet. Hope all is well with you all! Miss y'all
