Been doing nothing but getting ready to move lately! I've been clearing during the day, and going through all my shit at night. I finally wrapped the Christmas gifts Sunday night! I hate shopping, glad that shit is over with. Well, until I get back to TX that is. Then I gotta do it all over again for my mom, sis, and cousins. That blows....
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I was hoping you were on that list
No more Iraq because I am going to dodge the stoploss by a couple months. Colorado is home,That is where I will be going to school. Maybe we can go and chat over some beers out here before you leave. Anyways hope your packing is going well. I know it sucks.
Today was a wonderful day! I got my orders!!!!!!! I pick up my clearing papers on Monday, have 10 days to clear and then we fly home on Jan. 6!! I can't believe it. It's like I'm dreaming. It all happened pretty fast. AND it's an honorable discharge. Yay! I can't wait to tell Dan. I hope he calls soon. I'm about to be a...
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haha yea get the hell out and smoke some for me...
sorry i was off for a bit but i am back
I lied today. To someone I care about, but I felt like I had no choice. Now I feel like shit. I told Nat that I did all of this stuff while we were together, but I really didn't. I just had to do something to get her to let me go. I have been trying to cut her off for a while now because...
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How are you? are you still looking for relationships with women or are you just taking thing slow and see how everything turns out?
It is hard letting someone go and i know how hurt one can be when we feel we have no choice but to lie. and wish we knew a better way. I guess it always to late when we do find out. I hope you start to feel better soon after all this stuff that has been going on.
It is hard letting someone go and i know how hurt one can be when we feel we have no choice but to lie. and wish we knew a better way. I guess it always to late when we do find out. I hope you start to feel better soon after all this stuff that has been going on.

I cooked my first thanksgiving meal today and it rocked! I am so proud of myself. I just knew I would screw it up somehow, but NO, I didn't! I had my buddy come over and eat because he had no where to go and he had a good time. Now we are going to take the kids to the movies and have a good...
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I am thankful that i am back on here. where some of my friends are.

I am Thankful for Life.
Pics from my camera phone!
Life in colors other than black and white...