Rain stars sky trees. Sand salt wind earth. soil rock mold breath. blood skin tears thought.
so it rolls on and on, the developing history of what shall be in a pre determined plan of what was, taking us all by delightful suprise.
I lift my head and hear the gulls solem cadence and tear into life like the wind at my buckles. Such a feast has never been had by any. Though I repet the sensious meal that people have been devouring since before memory.
I join my ancestors at an unseen dining table and together and alone I live what they wont and enjoy what they did. I hate what they loved and loved what made them wince.
And for all this, I cannot wait for dessert....
so it rolls on and on, the developing history of what shall be in a pre determined plan of what was, taking us all by delightful suprise.
I lift my head and hear the gulls solem cadence and tear into life like the wind at my buckles. Such a feast has never been had by any. Though I repet the sensious meal that people have been devouring since before memory.
I join my ancestors at an unseen dining table and together and alone I live what they wont and enjoy what they did. I hate what they loved and loved what made them wince.
And for all this, I cannot wait for dessert....
you crack me the fuck up!
why don't I ever see you anymore?