Hulk: LAME. Try not taking things so seriously Mr. Lee. On another note, Have you ever been so blown away by the energy of someone that it just baffels you? There are certian people in this world I run into where thier behavior and energy and pulse runs a diffrent course than most others. Well certianaly mine. These people are almost otherworldly, magic. I can't tap into thier thought process and I love it. I am captivated by my inability to NOT understand them... Where normally that would drive me insane. I supose it still does, But in a good way.
Hmmmm....I ain't tellin!
Hmmmm....I ain't tellin!
mactheman is on the list. yours is kinda tough though, because it lacks specifics. it's one of the more interesting ones, though...
you know, with my new ibook, i'm mac37