Quick blog because I haven't posted in a while. Been pretty busy but I've been hitting the art stuff pretty hard. I did a study of Delaney_ but I thought it turned out better than just a study so I cleaned it up a bit.
This was the result:

I'm trying to get the point of selling some prints of my work online so I've been mostly working in digital recently and I have a lot of stuff that I think will be pretty cool in the works. I'll share it soon and hopefully everyone likes it.
This was the result:

I'm trying to get the point of selling some prints of my work online so I've been mostly working in digital recently and I have a lot of stuff that I think will be pretty cool in the works. I'll share it soon and hopefully everyone likes it.

You're welcome, that's just true! 

im pretty stoked about it too. love that picture. that is pretty awesome.