So I guess it was put upon me and the other Hopefuls to name our hidden talent. I guess that's really hard for me because I don't really hide any talents. I love contortion, dancing, fire poi, singing, writing, drawing, burlesque, video games, reading and making films. If its creative, I find a way to bring it in my life. However, I think for my "hidden talent" I'm going to bring up that special skill that one knows about. I secretly rock at helping people feel happier. I know that sounds silly, but I am really proud of this skill above all else. I love being there for people who need me, and not just as a someone who can genuinely take the time to turn a frown upside down. >^.^< Also, I have one secret kinky skill.. (I rock at blow jobs. >.> Don't ask how...I used to practice with bananas as a kid... I had too much free time... Don't judge)