The new Rilo Kiley album starts out so strong. And then it becomes a good album. For some reason I was hoping for more. Of course, I'll listen to anything that Jenny Lewis sings on. There are certain singers who are like that (the guy from the Afgan Whigs and the Twilight Singers is another). They could read grocery lists and I'd probably buy them.
More Blogs
Saturday May 23, 2009
No demons follow me when I run. Running puts me a state of mind where… -
Tuesday Mar 24, 2009
I was watching a movie earlier, nothing interesting but just somethin… -
Friday Mar 20, 2009
[warning: very random blog entry follows] Training is not going we… -
Saturday Mar 14, 2009
Only seven or eight weeks until my trip (see previous blog entry). It… -
Tuesday Feb 17, 2009
Well, my trip is now finalized. San Francisco/Chicago/Detroit/Toronto… -
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
Speeding towards mid-February. Only a hundred days or so until I'm do… -
Friday Jan 09, 2009
January always seems to rush by. I normally don't catch up with the y… -
Friday Dec 19, 2008
I've been running a fair bit lately. I've finally gotten around all t… -
Monday Nov 17, 2008
Are you human or are you dancer? -
Saturday Aug 16, 2008
I think I'm done. I still have a lot of time on my contract but I thi…