How many little bars of soap and bottles of shampoo can I get out of my stay at the Holiday Inn? I've decided that's now one of my goals. To see how many I can collect. I figure I'm here for two freakin' months I have to do something to amuse myself. And trust me, there's not much else here in Alabama. Or at least not where I am. It's amazing. I can't believe I've been here 5 weeks already. Only 4 more to go.
More Blogs
Saturday May 23, 2009
No demons follow me when I run. Running puts me a state of mind where… -
Tuesday Mar 24, 2009
I was watching a movie earlier, nothing interesting but just somethin… -
Friday Mar 20, 2009
[warning: very random blog entry follows] Training is not going we… -
Saturday Mar 14, 2009
Only seven or eight weeks until my trip (see previous blog entry). It… -
Tuesday Feb 17, 2009
Well, my trip is now finalized. San Francisco/Chicago/Detroit/Toronto… -
Sunday Feb 08, 2009
Speeding towards mid-February. Only a hundred days or so until I'm do… -
Friday Jan 09, 2009
January always seems to rush by. I normally don't catch up with the y… -
Friday Dec 19, 2008
I've been running a fair bit lately. I've finally gotten around all t… -
Monday Nov 17, 2008
Are you human or are you dancer? -
Saturday Aug 16, 2008
I think I'm done. I still have a lot of time on my contract but I thi…
Also sneek some walking down the hall past the room cleaning cart.
My picture is an 8x10. Thanks for asking.