Ohhh, getting excited for this weekend...
Pre-kink party, Kink (always a party), and VNV Nation...mmm. Could life get any better? well, yes. I could have a job that pays me decently. I could be done school. but yeah...overall, life is FUCKING ROCKING right now.
Uhm, yeah...I've suddenly been hit with inspiration to paint...and this is strange because, well, I'VE NEVER PAINTED??!!! So far the design is going well, though I'm very worried as to how it will work out.
I like tv. Or rather, I like getting training in tv. Its fun, so its not like its ACTUALLY school. And I've been getting good marks in it, mind you, getting good marks in my BLOODY FUCKING ELECTIVES WOULD HELP!!!! But I miss my radio training...I miss being on air and calling people wankers...I miss playing creepy music for the masses (as mass as a college radio station in Canada can be, at least). I WANT MY RADIO BACK!!!!
There's still hope...working with a little help from my friends (ugh...ringo) on the possiblity of an online station...prelim work on it is intense but good. Another one of these things I really hope works out...but will take a lot of work and effort and time before I can tell if it has. I totally agree with what lotus said...PUT SOME FUCKING EFFORT INTO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO!!!! Ya wankers...okay, not you guys...Well, here goes nuthin'
Pre-kink party, Kink (always a party), and VNV Nation...mmm. Could life get any better? well, yes. I could have a job that pays me decently. I could be done school. but yeah...overall, life is FUCKING ROCKING right now.
Uhm, yeah...I've suddenly been hit with inspiration to paint...and this is strange because, well, I'VE NEVER PAINTED??!!! So far the design is going well, though I'm very worried as to how it will work out.
I like tv. Or rather, I like getting training in tv. Its fun, so its not like its ACTUALLY school. And I've been getting good marks in it, mind you, getting good marks in my BLOODY FUCKING ELECTIVES WOULD HELP!!!! But I miss my radio training...I miss being on air and calling people wankers...I miss playing creepy music for the masses (as mass as a college radio station in Canada can be, at least). I WANT MY RADIO BACK!!!!
There's still hope...working with a little help from my friends (ugh...ringo) on the possiblity of an online station...prelim work on it is intense but good. Another one of these things I really hope works out...but will take a lot of work and effort and time before I can tell if it has. I totally agree with what lotus said...PUT SOME FUCKING EFFORT INTO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO!!!! Ya wankers...okay, not you guys...Well, here goes nuthin'
I got myself on the guest list for Dirty Vegas, so I might hop over there for a bit, so I might go missing in the middle of the night, but I shall be back for sure.
But I would love to meet you, but you'll have to find me! I usually hang out in the DJ booth on the Arena side, but I do come out and dance. So catch me while I'm out dancing