im done with relationships. there have only been 2 or 3 women in my life that understood me, and my hobbies i guess you could say. but this gf i have now just doesnt have a clue. i dont know where to begin. its like im ordering a plain cheeseburger and she gives me a salad. i show her the cheeseburgeri want, but she continues... Read More
wow i drink maybe a little too much. i called a ton of people and i have no idea what i said. but all my "friends" i guess is what you call them, they know im a lush so i hope everything is ok. im newly single. yay. i guess. all it means is i can drink.
its late im wide awake im bored as hell with nothing to do other than sleep. but yea im wide awake. i cant sleep. couple things on my mind. gf. i need to break up with her in a nice way. i keep finding more and more things that we dont agree with. i would like to keep her as a friend but i dont... Read More