my birthday event went well, the people that I know and love and care for deeply showed themselves.... and met my prince.
there were many people who could not make it... no matter, the ones I truly cared to show were there for me... and I love you all for that.
Sin City was immediately put on my top five list of ultimate movies of all time.... which consists of, in no particular order, the following:
- Empire Records
- Sin City
- Reservior Dogs
- Underworld
- Doctor Zivago
however you spell the last one... yeah. that is what I think they are tonight. did have a great birthday though, thanks to my friends. I am so happy with things... and so ready to change the things I know I need to so I can keep things good...
yesterday night was the man's birthday, but he has a deadline. so we did not celebrate. I made him a picture frame with lots of pictures in a collage that says "everyone loves" and then "do it today" with a nice inscription on the back. now just to drop it off... going to do that tomorrow I think. I miss him.
the roomie is getting comfortable... but the chaos in our house is consistant and I almost cannot keep up physically... and the thought of even stopping smoking right now is impossible. however I am now in the habit of keep the greens at home so all I can do is smoka-da-dopey at home and that is that. work has been slow because of the back issues.. but it picked up a little this week so the slow rotation will continue.
luckily apparently the slow season for this place was the last few months.. if that is the case - sweet.
In the meantime, I need to do some more DOM research before the end of this week... I have three official regular weekly clients.. yeah. that is nice. so I guess the job is going well.. but I want to barback someplace and learn how to bartend, that would be more fun for me I think. besides.. I like having two jobs - it keeps me in variety and keeps me on my toes... think I will take a walk down Main Street tomorrow so I can cruise the little spots and get a nice little gig. good times.
anyway, thank you all for my birthday wishes! now if I could just have an orgasm my week would be complete.....
Mahalo Lovers,
~ your Mistress, Jolie*
there were many people who could not make it... no matter, the ones I truly cared to show were there for me... and I love you all for that.
Sin City was immediately put on my top five list of ultimate movies of all time.... which consists of, in no particular order, the following:
- Empire Records
- Sin City
- Reservior Dogs
- Underworld
- Doctor Zivago
however you spell the last one... yeah. that is what I think they are tonight. did have a great birthday though, thanks to my friends. I am so happy with things... and so ready to change the things I know I need to so I can keep things good...
yesterday night was the man's birthday, but he has a deadline. so we did not celebrate. I made him a picture frame with lots of pictures in a collage that says "everyone loves" and then "do it today" with a nice inscription on the back. now just to drop it off... going to do that tomorrow I think. I miss him.

the roomie is getting comfortable... but the chaos in our house is consistant and I almost cannot keep up physically... and the thought of even stopping smoking right now is impossible. however I am now in the habit of keep the greens at home so all I can do is smoka-da-dopey at home and that is that. work has been slow because of the back issues.. but it picked up a little this week so the slow rotation will continue.
luckily apparently the slow season for this place was the last few months.. if that is the case - sweet.
In the meantime, I need to do some more DOM research before the end of this week... I have three official regular weekly clients.. yeah. that is nice. so I guess the job is going well.. but I want to barback someplace and learn how to bartend, that would be more fun for me I think. besides.. I like having two jobs - it keeps me in variety and keeps me on my toes... think I will take a walk down Main Street tomorrow so I can cruise the little spots and get a nice little gig. good times.
anyway, thank you all for my birthday wishes! now if I could just have an orgasm my week would be complete.....

~ your Mistress, Jolie*
Love ya , when you gona send us that pic of you in the On Trial t-shirt?

Thoguht I would drop in to say HI! Havent been on in a while cause I am goign through a divorce....