So things are better, apparently a third opinion was a great idea. Loma Linda, who woulda thought? the hemoraging stopped for the most part, his blood count is up and his heart is strong as an ox. I feel a whole lot better. They did find a something in his lung but the surgeon and doctors say that even if it is worst case cinero that he will live. It all looks really good even though the risk is not all gone yet.
*le sigh* I can breath now.
The RAINBOW let me go, I know why. It was not a good environment for me... especially at a bar. I was wasting time there and feeling very small and "piece of meat" like. Oh well, at least that is over. The hunt begins again for a job, I am not upset about it yet....
Made half my rent at a yard sale this weekend. I ended up selling most of the random DVDs I inherited from my ex last November. He has not picked them up, I got rid of the crap in my life - made over $200 on those alone... I needed the money though. Why do I feel bad? I just figure it was in my possession for over a year and he still did not claim them. Fuck that. Besides, I AM a little hard up at the moment.
Been not smoking pot. Avoiding it? No. Want to? Not really. But I am not saying I am quitting, just noting the change. I smoke cigs again, purely from working at the bar... those should go again now that that is gone. Changed my pic as well here, although the season is over. It just really is so cute, isn't it? I also applied to be fetish model.. I should persue that damn it. I really like the camera when in "character" aka costume. Besides, what fun to be worshiped for beauty? Ask any of the suicide girls....
Other than that, being single is fun but odd. I banged one of the bartenders at work last week... opps. Oh well, he was hot to me and we just kept talking about music for about 3+ hours. Also, with my stress lately I needed to just let go. It was hot... I willl tell you that.
Sorry I am not updating. Life needs to calm down soon for me or I am going to never ever be a faithful member again!
So much love... talk to you all sooner rather than later I hope.... now that my appetite is back, I am going to eat again.
Mahalo lovers,
~ the angel*
So things are better, apparently a third opinion was a great idea. Loma Linda, who woulda thought? the hemoraging stopped for the most part, his blood count is up and his heart is strong as an ox. I feel a whole lot better. They did find a something in his lung but the surgeon and doctors say that even if it is worst case cinero that he will live. It all looks really good even though the risk is not all gone yet.
*le sigh* I can breath now.
The RAINBOW let me go, I know why. It was not a good environment for me... especially at a bar. I was wasting time there and feeling very small and "piece of meat" like. Oh well, at least that is over. The hunt begins again for a job, I am not upset about it yet....
Made half my rent at a yard sale this weekend. I ended up selling most of the random DVDs I inherited from my ex last November. He has not picked them up, I got rid of the crap in my life - made over $200 on those alone... I needed the money though. Why do I feel bad? I just figure it was in my possession for over a year and he still did not claim them. Fuck that. Besides, I AM a little hard up at the moment.
Been not smoking pot. Avoiding it? No. Want to? Not really. But I am not saying I am quitting, just noting the change. I smoke cigs again, purely from working at the bar... those should go again now that that is gone. Changed my pic as well here, although the season is over. It just really is so cute, isn't it? I also applied to be fetish model.. I should persue that damn it. I really like the camera when in "character" aka costume. Besides, what fun to be worshiped for beauty? Ask any of the suicide girls....
Other than that, being single is fun but odd. I banged one of the bartenders at work last week... opps. Oh well, he was hot to me and we just kept talking about music for about 3+ hours. Also, with my stress lately I needed to just let go. It was hot... I willl tell you that.
Sorry I am not updating. Life needs to calm down soon for me or I am going to never ever be a faithful member again!
So much love... talk to you all sooner rather than later I hope.... now that my appetite is back, I am going to eat again.
Mahalo lovers,
~ the angel*
I'm coming out there in Feb. We'll cause a ruckus!
lots of love sugar