I have since picked up my life and moved on. The dream is becoming....
a reality.

old modeling shot from Venice. I had so much fun with that shoot.
I started managing a local rap artist in Boston, a gentleman named Amadeus the Stampede. He has a little following but it is up to me to take him global. It seems there is not much of a want for rappers in the States these days but Europe and Asia have a want to see them... so I am going to take him to the West Coast first and then head out with passports and a suitcase to tour the world... somehow.
I have always wanted to work with people in the entertainment industry, as a manager or a producer. This is my chance to begin and it literally fell into my lap when I decided to let go and stop trying to make it happen. I was content with living in East Cambridge, Massachusetts in a big house working as an au pair and a bartender and finishing school online and BAM! I meet this guy and he goes "okay, well why don't you manage me?" - he is signed, has a career that is 7 years long, he just needs someone to make that next level happen.
That next level is me.
To celebrate, I got my hair done, in true Suicide Girls style... got another tattoo on the way
as well.
It has been a good year since I got back from my bad choice move to Seattle in April and broke it up with the young guy I was seeing. I miss him still but only because of the warmth we had - it is no longer in existence, he hates me heart and soul.
Being he is only 21, he will get over it I am sure at some point.
I hope.
a new pic, a new man I am dating, a new career and enough ca$h coming in to make me comfortable and happy. good fucking times.
Just introduced my guy to SG, he is a fan of VICE. I wonder, are her breasts real? I cannot tell.....
peace and love, SG land. Thanks for all you who have read my blogs through the years - I appreciate you!

"hey baby - am I crazy or were you just giving me the eye?" - Common
a reality.

old modeling shot from Venice. I had so much fun with that shoot.
I started managing a local rap artist in Boston, a gentleman named Amadeus the Stampede. He has a little following but it is up to me to take him global. It seems there is not much of a want for rappers in the States these days but Europe and Asia have a want to see them... so I am going to take him to the West Coast first and then head out with passports and a suitcase to tour the world... somehow.
I have always wanted to work with people in the entertainment industry, as a manager or a producer. This is my chance to begin and it literally fell into my lap when I decided to let go and stop trying to make it happen. I was content with living in East Cambridge, Massachusetts in a big house working as an au pair and a bartender and finishing school online and BAM! I meet this guy and he goes "okay, well why don't you manage me?" - he is signed, has a career that is 7 years long, he just needs someone to make that next level happen.
That next level is me.
To celebrate, I got my hair done, in true Suicide Girls style... got another tattoo on the way

It has been a good year since I got back from my bad choice move to Seattle in April and broke it up with the young guy I was seeing. I miss him still but only because of the warmth we had - it is no longer in existence, he hates me heart and soul.
Being he is only 21, he will get over it I am sure at some point.

a new pic, a new man I am dating, a new career and enough ca$h coming in to make me comfortable and happy. good fucking times.
Just introduced my guy to SG, he is a fan of VICE. I wonder, are her breasts real? I cannot tell.....
peace and love, SG land. Thanks for all you who have read my blogs through the years - I appreciate you!

"hey baby - am I crazy or were you just giving me the eye?" - Common

Holy shit, you're like .. the bethany .. RE-CREATED and RE-VAMPED! Good work, woman! Its not easy to have talent fall in your lap, and its also not easy for talented ppl to find good management to get them where they need to be. My husband is one of the most talented industrial musicians Ive ever known, but depending on where u live ... industrial is DEAD. Now, if we lived in germany .. maybe things would be different.
So how do you manage musicians and get them work?