my view from my apartment.
yes. I sit in the living room of this apartment and smoke bowls. and watch movies. and be social. and cook.
it is a dream come true. with granite countertops and a badass steel circa 1950s sink. I am in love.

that is me at work. yes, I am working. this photoshoot turned out really well after the three hour session shopping and having dinner with a client in Santa Monica. now my friend and employee, Brandy, also known as the solo artist BULLET SAGE on MyCrack is modeling the clothing we had some slave buy for us. And I was pretty high - whoop but hey, things change it seems.
yeah. haven't said too much. *shhh!*

I miss this baby. She was never mine - but I got to ride in her a few times. I nickname her "charlie", after my other obsession at the time. :wink: Years ago.

talk about a beautful way to end day one of your period.. even as a guy, the day after PMS sucks cuz it ... well, spare the details, SUCKS @$$!! so this was the view after a two hour drive minus traffic (unheard of!) and here we go past the Hamptons in New York to Long Island. and when I fell in love with photography again.
now it is a large part of my day. I see everything as an opprotunity to catch a moment.
I should thank Constantine for that.

the morning after he was in Prague and away from me for two days. I was hungover, I was coming off some harsh substances to be honest, and I was not a happy camper. But the photo was taken anyway - and I still mark that as day one currently,... yeah, go me - but still...... I love it now.

I miss "capinegro". Damn guiena stole my heart. Can't you see it? It has been a few days and no phone call after I got her laughing for picking up the phone so I could greet her with "shithead". yeah, you try doing that with a hot 20 year old who thought you lost it on drugs when you REALLY couldn't have been further from the truth. geez!
this is my fetish, the exposure to commentary over the internet. let it fly.... please.
I have lost myself with caring for this one.... and am finding it difficult to keep my lover and partner in mind every minute of every day like you should.... does that take time?
so... break that down and get back to me.
one more pic.
no, two. a comparison.

notes. comments? concerns? inquiries?
just a photographer looking for comments. five of these are mine; Ill let you guess which ones.
*bows head down and raises her index and middle fingers*

I like the bathtub shots and the shot of you taking photos in your drawers
. The view out of your apartment window is great...beautiful...must make you feel like the ruler of your domain.