"you kill one person, you go to prison.
you kill ten people, you go to Texas where they hit you on the head with a brick,
twenty people - you go to a hospital where they look at you through a small window forever.
and, over that, we can't deal with it...
"someone who has killed over a hundred thousand people - we are almost going... 'well done! well done! you killed a hundred thousand people?!?! you must get up very early in the morning! I can't even get down to the gym!'.
"get up in the morning - death, death, death, death, death - lunch... death, death, death, afternoon tea, death, death, quick shower...."
Visiting NYC from October 27th through November 2nd, 2006. Fuck yeah!
you kill ten people, you go to Texas where they hit you on the head with a brick,
twenty people - you go to a hospital where they look at you through a small window forever.
and, over that, we can't deal with it...
"someone who has killed over a hundred thousand people - we are almost going... 'well done! well done! you killed a hundred thousand people?!?! you must get up very early in the morning! I can't even get down to the gym!'.
"get up in the morning - death, death, death, death, death - lunch... death, death, death, afternoon tea, death, death, quick shower...."
Visiting NYC from October 27th through November 2nd, 2006. Fuck yeah!
hey sugar britches....whats going on???

If u got a outfit like this for work would it be tax deductable