"If you beat me down I will get back on my feet.
I used to be unbreakable, invinceable, unstopable
I used to be unbreakable until I met you."
Tears. They overflow out of my eyes and into my lap, mine eyes have seen the glory and devistation of masochism. Here we lay, lying to ourselves daily of what we really want.
I thought I wanted this prince charming I have spoken of for years. True, he makes me happy and causes my soul to shine and eb - but so what? The amount of disappointment he instills in my heart when I try just for a moment to imagine more than the little we have.
I have a great deal more with a few others. For little to no heart ache. *le sigh* I miss being a man. For six lifetimes, a man and then they throw me this one. Great.
Emotions as a female suck. Not only are we easily affected by breaking a nail but also by a hallmark commercial, hormmones, or speaking to immediate family.
I swear I am just out of sorts this week.
These are the weeks I miss having a significant other that I can lean on. I push them all away to protect them from me, the werewolf.
I have not had a nice night out on the town in awhile. I think I am going to go out to a nice dinner and drinks with someone interesting and new. And talk about my favorite thing... business.
*tisk*tisk* Trouble with a capital T. this is Taylor, signing off... Bitchmaster K will check in with you tomorrow.
I used to be unbreakable, invinceable, unstopable
I used to be unbreakable until I met you."
Tears. They overflow out of my eyes and into my lap, mine eyes have seen the glory and devistation of masochism. Here we lay, lying to ourselves daily of what we really want.
I thought I wanted this prince charming I have spoken of for years. True, he makes me happy and causes my soul to shine and eb - but so what? The amount of disappointment he instills in my heart when I try just for a moment to imagine more than the little we have.
I have a great deal more with a few others. For little to no heart ache. *le sigh* I miss being a man. For six lifetimes, a man and then they throw me this one. Great.
Emotions as a female suck. Not only are we easily affected by breaking a nail but also by a hallmark commercial, hormmones, or speaking to immediate family.
I swear I am just out of sorts this week.
These are the weeks I miss having a significant other that I can lean on. I push them all away to protect them from me, the werewolf.
I have not had a nice night out on the town in awhile. I think I am going to go out to a nice dinner and drinks with someone interesting and new. And talk about my favorite thing... business.
*tisk*tisk* Trouble with a capital T. this is Taylor, signing off... Bitchmaster K will check in with you tomorrow.


youre going to burning man, right? i thought so.
the temple is this amazing structure that is erected prior the the event and during and then its burnt on sunday night.
on wedness day trilio(zotted sg member) gets peeps to donate speakers ect... and then the best breaks djs play all night.
where are you camping?
Sorry you are feeling a bit blah. Hope you feel better.
So tell me about being a man for six lifetimes.
I`m really intrested in that, so please tell me more. How did you find out? Do you have any memories?
Keep well mate