have had a little fun lately with the idea of wigs... so here are a few shots after the text of my photoshoot. I want to be a suicide girl this year, am in application process number one - just not sure how to tell them I have been a member for over two years now...
I want to get my nipples pierced. I want my tonguering put back in. and I want my second tattoo.... but I need someone with money to come pick me up and take me to do it before I loose my nerve... because I could never justify paying for it right now...
know anyone?
dating in my age range has helped. I am happily dating a leonardo dicaprio look-a-like and a hottie who is also a los angeles local, both of whom I met here on SG years ago. one of them makes me a silly little girl, I get rosey in the cheeks and want to be around him as much as possible.. reminds me of my first, the only one I did not cheat on. I love to have him close to me.. and I love that he calls me in different voices - a man after my own heart.. and I didn't even realize it. the other one has been a close friend and we have been "on again, off again" for some time now, one of the best example of knight on a white horse to save the day.. he makes me smile and holds me close - I believe we bring sunshine to each other's worlds. we will never cease being friends, that is certain... but how long will the romance remain between us? he is a good guy.. they both are - and with lots of women including me the nice guys usually finishes last - but not with me! only time will tell... in this life. they both are rockin' counterpoints ... in different ways. hard to choose now, and is that necessary? one has certainly gotten closer than the other in one respect...
speaking of respect in all it's forms...
the prince comes back on the tenth of july. we are going to be talking, already sent an email setting it up - the inevitable "what are we doing, dating forever?!?" talk, the one where I talk and he listens... ? yeah, that one. It is happening - and we are having it. I am tired of him "phunkin' with my heart". Period.
been indulging in food quite a bit lately, a little more than healthy. I want to run the opposite direction and go back on the speed to loose the little pudge I have put on that is unruley... but we have all seen me down that path and it is not healthy in my 5'7" frame to be 108 pounds.... so no, deal with it and start running the canyons again...
did you see that? (looks over her shoulder) that was me just now being a girl... whoa. that happens a little too often now... I hate being a female sometimes but the advantages outweigh the annoyances... usually. unless I am just being a blonde - there is no excuse for that one!
however, in the health department, it seems the more I excersize my ankle properly, the healthier and stronger it heals... who would have thought? thinking about hitting Runyon Canyon before I head to work during the week, it is only a few blocks from my work (like 6 but yea... used to live in NYC) and I love saying hello to the city's backside from where the remains of the OUTPOST sign used to be.. you have all heard me talk about this before... and you will hear it again... once I get my digital camera fixed and take a photo of the view... you will hear of this again...
so suicidegirl name should be.... Angel Diabla? Or Mistress Bethany or Bethany... if there isn't one already,... we shall see...
someone come snatch me from my house and take me to get tattooed and pierced one night with a few drinks involved... preferably sober... it will be better for me, trust me!
all my love...
I AM Captain Jack Sparrow.
And yes, here are the brunette photos... support PIRATES this weekend (I know I will)!!!

Taylor's Quote of the Week:
"Revealing too much is a revolting sin"
and from the book I finished recently, THE HISTORIAN by: E. Kostova:
"It is my belief that the study of history should be our preparation for understanding the present, rather than escaping from it".
hence why I am taking a trip through memory lane today since I am still getting settled in my new apartment at Park La Brea. did I mention I had a whole southside view of endless fireworks on the 4th? it was almost as beautiful as the beach of Venice at night... cheers to another fourth in Los Angeles, home sweet home.
PS - sorry about the length, this will be up for a bit... I am going to NIN tomorrow with enso! I am the luckiest bitch....
I want to get my nipples pierced. I want my tonguering put back in. and I want my second tattoo.... but I need someone with money to come pick me up and take me to do it before I loose my nerve... because I could never justify paying for it right now...
know anyone?
dating in my age range has helped. I am happily dating a leonardo dicaprio look-a-like and a hottie who is also a los angeles local, both of whom I met here on SG years ago. one of them makes me a silly little girl, I get rosey in the cheeks and want to be around him as much as possible.. reminds me of my first, the only one I did not cheat on. I love to have him close to me.. and I love that he calls me in different voices - a man after my own heart.. and I didn't even realize it. the other one has been a close friend and we have been "on again, off again" for some time now, one of the best example of knight on a white horse to save the day.. he makes me smile and holds me close - I believe we bring sunshine to each other's worlds. we will never cease being friends, that is certain... but how long will the romance remain between us? he is a good guy.. they both are - and with lots of women including me the nice guys usually finishes last - but not with me! only time will tell... in this life. they both are rockin' counterpoints ... in different ways. hard to choose now, and is that necessary? one has certainly gotten closer than the other in one respect...
speaking of respect in all it's forms...
the prince comes back on the tenth of july. we are going to be talking, already sent an email setting it up - the inevitable "what are we doing, dating forever?!?" talk, the one where I talk and he listens... ? yeah, that one. It is happening - and we are having it. I am tired of him "phunkin' with my heart". Period.
been indulging in food quite a bit lately, a little more than healthy. I want to run the opposite direction and go back on the speed to loose the little pudge I have put on that is unruley... but we have all seen me down that path and it is not healthy in my 5'7" frame to be 108 pounds.... so no, deal with it and start running the canyons again...
did you see that? (looks over her shoulder) that was me just now being a girl... whoa. that happens a little too often now... I hate being a female sometimes but the advantages outweigh the annoyances... usually. unless I am just being a blonde - there is no excuse for that one!
however, in the health department, it seems the more I excersize my ankle properly, the healthier and stronger it heals... who would have thought? thinking about hitting Runyon Canyon before I head to work during the week, it is only a few blocks from my work (like 6 but yea... used to live in NYC) and I love saying hello to the city's backside from where the remains of the OUTPOST sign used to be.. you have all heard me talk about this before... and you will hear it again... once I get my digital camera fixed and take a photo of the view... you will hear of this again...
so suicidegirl name should be.... Angel Diabla? Or Mistress Bethany or Bethany... if there isn't one already,... we shall see...
someone come snatch me from my house and take me to get tattooed and pierced one night with a few drinks involved... preferably sober... it will be better for me, trust me!
all my love...

And yes, here are the brunette photos... support PIRATES this weekend (I know I will)!!!

Taylor's Quote of the Week:
"Revealing too much is a revolting sin"
and from the book I finished recently, THE HISTORIAN by: E. Kostova:
"It is my belief that the study of history should be our preparation for understanding the present, rather than escaping from it".
hence why I am taking a trip through memory lane today since I am still getting settled in my new apartment at Park La Brea. did I mention I had a whole southside view of endless fireworks on the 4th? it was almost as beautiful as the beach of Venice at night... cheers to another fourth in Los Angeles, home sweet home.
PS - sorry about the length, this will be up for a bit... I am going to NIN tomorrow with enso! I am the luckiest bitch....
Enjoy the concert and glad things are pretty good with you.