i put up a silly self portrait from the last week in new york city. there are a few new ones in the pics files now from today and the last few days.
i miss my man, i miss the sexual attention of my girlfriend and ex-slave, and i think my roomie is sort of a dick honestly.. just enough for me just to co-exist with.
in psychology, the words "just" and "only" are used to be vague and appeasing.
if i could choose my schedule, i would have sex twice a day; once in the morning and once at any point in between. when i had long term partners, we used to have sex wherever we could, no matter what.
le sigh. those where the days.
the rain here is beautiful.
i miss my man, i miss the sexual attention of my girlfriend and ex-slave, and i think my roomie is sort of a dick honestly.. just enough for me just to co-exist with.
in psychology, the words "just" and "only" are used to be vague and appeasing.
if i could choose my schedule, i would have sex twice a day; once in the morning and once at any point in between. when i had long term partners, we used to have sex wherever we could, no matter what.
le sigh. those where the days.

i know its been along time but i wanted to pop in and say hi!
nothing like a little "chubyrain", got to keep those priorities staight, people have needs, sex 2times a day sounds glorious