The thing is this, I don't care what type of music you're into or what type of music you play or if you wear make up or your hair has far too much product in it!! What it all comes down to is conviction simple as that, you can sing Britney Spears songs at the local British Legion for all I care but, if you aren't feeling it, if you don't believe in what you are doing it wont be cool, you'll look like an idiot.
The reason I bring this up is at the weekend I went on an excursion to the merry town of Camden to see Napalm Death. Yes, Napalm Death. I wont lie its not my thing at all, I'm really not into that sort of music and don't own anything by any bands that are that heavy. I only went cos the Beandog got a couple of tickets for 3 quid each off Ebay and we had to go up that way anyway so I tagged along.
I found myself feeling very narrow minded indeed as I had all these preconceived ideas about how shit it was gonna be but, was pleasantly surprised by how awesome it was. Don't get me wrong I'm not rushing out to buy the Napalm Death back catalogue, I still couldn't really see myself sitting at home listening to it but the gig was truly inspiring.
For those who don't know, the Camden Underworld is kind of in the basement of the worlds end pub and is a pretty small, intimate venue, the sort of place you wanna go a see your favourite band before they start selling out Wembley. The sound was just right too, so many venues get the levels totally wrong volume wise, I want to hear the music without my ears bleeding thanks. Music can be heavy without being too loud.
Anyway, these guys have been going for 25 odd years and to me have well and truly paid their dues to the world of music, but to go to somewhere like the underworld and play it like it was the first gig they ever played AND still totally rock it is awesome. There was something very punk rock about the whole thing and although they have had various line-up changes along the way and apparently have none of their original members left, they just ruled the place like they were 19 year olds out for the first time without a care in the world.
Music was made to be played live but it cant sustain itself unless you go and see it so, turn off the playstation, stop looking at porn and get out there and see a band cos if you don't, before long you wont have the luxury of choice!!
The reason I bring this up is at the weekend I went on an excursion to the merry town of Camden to see Napalm Death. Yes, Napalm Death. I wont lie its not my thing at all, I'm really not into that sort of music and don't own anything by any bands that are that heavy. I only went cos the Beandog got a couple of tickets for 3 quid each off Ebay and we had to go up that way anyway so I tagged along.
I found myself feeling very narrow minded indeed as I had all these preconceived ideas about how shit it was gonna be but, was pleasantly surprised by how awesome it was. Don't get me wrong I'm not rushing out to buy the Napalm Death back catalogue, I still couldn't really see myself sitting at home listening to it but the gig was truly inspiring.
For those who don't know, the Camden Underworld is kind of in the basement of the worlds end pub and is a pretty small, intimate venue, the sort of place you wanna go a see your favourite band before they start selling out Wembley. The sound was just right too, so many venues get the levels totally wrong volume wise, I want to hear the music without my ears bleeding thanks. Music can be heavy without being too loud.
Anyway, these guys have been going for 25 odd years and to me have well and truly paid their dues to the world of music, but to go to somewhere like the underworld and play it like it was the first gig they ever played AND still totally rock it is awesome. There was something very punk rock about the whole thing and although they have had various line-up changes along the way and apparently have none of their original members left, they just ruled the place like they were 19 year olds out for the first time without a care in the world.
Music was made to be played live but it cant sustain itself unless you go and see it so, turn off the playstation, stop looking at porn and get out there and see a band cos if you don't, before long you wont have the luxury of choice!!