This is the new show i've been checking out and i gotta say its better than anything since Buffy in my opinion.

The overall theme is not massively original, a bit like X-men in that a load of people evolve with special abilities but beyond that its done in a really cool way, all the characters are pretty likable and funny/serious in the right measure....
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So, here we go again, Christmas and new year. I'm not a big fan of either one to be honest, christmas has become a crappy commercial excuse for big companies to sell there shit to kids who already have too much and too little appreciation for what they have, everyone buys into it and everything costs too much. Most people have to work too much...
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Thanx for the comments on my new set! kiss

it's a 3/4 length encore, not the best in the world lol
The work is done!!!!

Well sort of, official paid work is done but unfortunately theres is bathroom tiling and plumbing to be done.

So, Friday night out for chinese food, saturday is the big work bash, sunday is rehearsal and maybe a round of golf, monday starts the work on the house and somewhere in there i need to get out and do some shopping...
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cheers bro, plus with out nerds like me how would we know what a nerd was....think about, it'll eat at you
Its a simple enough idea, it starts to get late so you go to bed. Right? So then why am i incapable of just getting up and walking to bed to get some well needed sleep? I really want to but i just find myself looking for one last thing to look at or one last thing to watch on TV, i dont even like...
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yep yep

claustrophobia is a pink haired crazy girl and she's hawt!!

Thanks a lot for your comment on my set!!

The thing is this, I don't care what type of music you're into or what type of music you play or if you wear make up or your hair has far too much product in it!! What it all comes down to is conviction simple as that, you can sing Britney Spears songs at the local British Legion for all I care but, if you...
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