Hey everyone,
Sadly I am now restricted from coming to this website as I work and live on a government vessel that dosent alow me to view what they call "Porn" on thier networks. So alas you wont see me on much unless I am able to use another wireless network. I will try to get online as much as possible but I am working in Alaska and there aint much up here! I am currently in Dutch Harbor, which is in the middle of nowhere, you may have seen it on the "Worlds Deadliest Catch" . Anyway you can contact me on my myspace page. Peace out everyone!!! ARRRGGG!!!
Sadly I am now restricted from coming to this website as I work and live on a government vessel that dosent alow me to view what they call "Porn" on thier networks. So alas you wont see me on much unless I am able to use another wireless network. I will try to get online as much as possible but I am working in Alaska and there aint much up here! I am currently in Dutch Harbor, which is in the middle of nowhere, you may have seen it on the "Worlds Deadliest Catch" . Anyway you can contact me on my myspace page. Peace out everyone!!! ARRRGGG!!!

also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner
I have been busy since I got here, trying not to loose my mind from bestfriendandpalitis a type of seperation anxiety! Which is actually a real afliction now that I have made it up and am petitioning its entry into medical literature!
I also have been doing alot of bike riding. Been loads of fun. Rode way way way out to a golf course, got attacked by flies!! I thought flies were nasty in maine!!! They sell these fly swaters that are electrified at the golf course!!! They work quite well, though they dont work on the Mosquitos. The flies are about the size of a dime and electrocute quite nicely with a very satisfying sizzling sound! The mosquitos on the other hand, yes well I smaked one and it looked up at me with a look that only a mosquito can make that roughly translated as "hey pal what the hell do you think you are doing trying to tickle me?" then it flew off to find somting else to suck dry. Also rode my bike to this lovely little park, okay so less park more like wilderness with trails that you dont have to cut yourself with machettes and an entire expedition party!
Anyway I miss you all and wish I was on more. Stay in touch, email me!