Hello everyone,

Well I have officially started my vacation......you know, the end of the year, Use it or lose it vacation.

I want to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday Season. Whether that be a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah or whatever your holiday may be. I also wish everyone a wonderful new year. Let's make 2008 a year to remember.

Thanks so much for your kind words on my rejected set!
Thanks for commenting on my retouched rejected set hun!

How are you doing? Did you have a good new year? It has been ages since you have written a new journal... I think we need an update on how life is!!!
My Chicago Cubbies just won the National League Central Division!!!!
11 more wins to go...we can do it!!

On another note, the new "Down" disc "Over the Under" Fuckin' kicks some serious ass.

Well, I think I need to go out and celebrate a little today. I was working last night at the bar and had to watch everyone else celebrating.......and little ol' me...
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