I'm beggining to worry. I thought i joined a porn site, but lately its like i just forget about the naked pictures. Sorry girls. I need to make an effort to look at more pornography (honestly never thought i'd say that,) and spend less time on the boards and in journals. After all if an SG is naked and no one is there to see is she truly naked? well, i suppose there is photgraphic evidence, isn't there.
Well, i'm off to the City of Nic-evil-le soon for the
feast-ivities. It will be nice to eat food. So, i look forward to Hot Turkey on thursday, and a weekend's worth of cold turkey. Cold Turkey. Just saying that makes me want to smoke. mmmm smoked turkey. ok, everyone have a nice weekend. maybe i'll be around. broadcasting live from the vile 'ville.
Well, i'm off to the City of Nic-evil-le soon for the
feast-ivities. It will be nice to eat food. So, i look forward to Hot Turkey on thursday, and a weekend's worth of cold turkey. Cold Turkey. Just saying that makes me want to smoke. mmmm smoked turkey. ok, everyone have a nice weekend. maybe i'll be around. broadcasting live from the vile 'ville.
all my love to the city of evil. is the xmas wonderland up yet?
i eat food.