ahh, some of you may have noticed that the vile age counter tripped a milestobe for me recently. i've decided to begin telling people that i'm 23 or 24 since they generally think i'm being clever when i tell them how old i really am. But, the SG math is keepig me honest on here.
i spent the day sleeping in (and consequentially missing a...
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i spent the day sleeping in (and consequentially missing a...
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Hey, happy b-day... honestly, don't let the "milestone" get to you... my 30s so far (*knock on wood*) have been hellacool... better than my 20s! 

love4jugglin man!
There are two people in this area that dress up as jesus carrying the cross. One is doing it as part of his "mission," the process of becoming a minister in the church he belongs to. The purpose of the experience was to immerse the participant in the ostracism (for lack of a better word) that Christ was subjected to. It acheives this by having...
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Happy B DAY ! xx

AHHHHHH MASHIMARO!!!! He's one of my favorite little guys. I wanna see him fight Foamy the Squirrel of Neurotically Yours.
Friday class ends early, got a test back with a 76% in parties and interest groups. That was the 2nd highest grade in the class (1st was a 78.)
The teacher, who is approximately my age, offered 15 points of extra credit through various projects, one of which involves being somewhere at 8:00am to hear our local US representative, Jeff Miller (R, FL,) speak.
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The teacher, who is approximately my age, offered 15 points of extra credit through various projects, one of which involves being somewhere at 8:00am to hear our local US representative, Jeff Miller (R, FL,) speak.
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welcome to the world:
Phoenix Luxe-Decidua Feb 2, 2004.
After an extended labor, a close friend and his girlfriend had their first little groundhog. Here's hoping that he grows up to be as good as his parents (without some of the legal woes.)
off to class...
Phoenix Luxe-Decidua Feb 2, 2004.
After an extended labor, a close friend and his girlfriend had their first little groundhog. Here's hoping that he grows up to be as good as his parents (without some of the legal woes.)
off to class...
After nearly a year off the site, I've decided to return. I doesn't seem like many of the people i knew are still around, so this entry has a certain sense of futility.
So many new things, so many new members, and not least of all, so many new girls.
With any luck, a few of the local members will be able to get together....
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So many new things, so many new members, and not least of all, so many new girls.
With any luck, a few of the local members will be able to get together....
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welcome back,I just started being active again and theres tons of n00bs everywhere.
The GCX and i are trying to overcome the V-day hangovers.
hope all of you had an equally fun time.
kind of mulling over the worth of the SG account. Its a little too ridiculous to have two accounts in one house.
hope all of you had an equally fun time.
kind of mulling over the worth of the SG account. Its a little too ridiculous to have two accounts in one house.
the rumors might be true.. i am an escapee
where in that area are you from again? i was told but forgot..
[Edited on Feb 15, 2003]
where in that area are you from again? i was told but forgot..
[Edited on Feb 15, 2003]

15 is right. Tell Erin that her "19" is incorrect and to try again. hahaha
i'm sorry to inform you that i will no longer be your internet girlfriend.
well, owing to the fire thread: http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Lifestyle/9332/
I'm feeling inspired. If only some local folks were into it, too. I am now off to play with stuff, perhaps light them on fire. Also a trip to the hardware store to get parts for a fire poi set. The ones from Dube are way to expensive.
I'm feeling inspired. If only some local folks were into it, too. I am now off to play with stuff, perhaps light them on fire. Also a trip to the hardware store to get parts for a fire poi set. The ones from Dube are way to expensive.
omigod, i had a total sedaris moment in my evening hogwon class!!! it was just me and the girls ( which was awesome...) and we were taling about holidays and traditions ( supre interesting stuff about funerals here) aaaand, we got onto xmas, santa, etc. talkin about in the US kids sitting on santa's lap. and they nod, yes we have that here... discuss funny stories of santas being beaten up etc. THEN i bring up the easter bunny. they look puzzled.
" bunny? a rabbit?"
( inside i am laughing hysterically already) i say "yes" and make the international sign for rabbit ears above my head. " he gives chocolate and eggs to the children. and at the mall children can sit on the rabbit's lap, like santa."
they nod seriously. we are all obviously holding back laughter at this point.
"but why? why does a rabbit come? why a rabbit?"
" i don't know... i guess because it's springtime? well, in france, a bell brings the candy..."
the jesus. he nice.
but a bell. that's just fucked up.
" bunny? a rabbit?"
( inside i am laughing hysterically already) i say "yes" and make the international sign for rabbit ears above my head. " he gives chocolate and eggs to the children. and at the mall children can sit on the rabbit's lap, like santa."
they nod seriously. we are all obviously holding back laughter at this point.
"but why? why does a rabbit come? why a rabbit?"
" i don't know... i guess because it's springtime? well, in france, a bell brings the candy..."
the jesus. he nice.
but a bell. that's just fucked up.
Heads up! There's a band practice this Sunday morning. We're all meeting at the abandoned church where we were victorious over Dr. Zion's evil zombie hordes.
well, i'm now an art student. more or less. its like being a kid, again. only hard.
See the boards concerning fire http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Lifestyle/9332/
See the boards concerning fire http://suicidegirls.com/boards/Lifestyle/9332/
if you read this, and you watch Buffy compulsivly...
Whats up with Giles?
Without giving any spoiler type info:
1. think back all this season, have they shoed hime touching anyone or anything?
I have a pretty strong feeling about it, but i hadn't thought about it until midway through tonight.
Whats up with Giles?
Without giving any spoiler type info:
1. think back all this season, have they shoed hime touching anyone or anything?
I have a pretty strong feeling about it, but i hadn't thought about it until midway through tonight.
Double-post. I don't know how that happened. 
[Edited on Jan 07, 2003]

[Edited on Jan 07, 2003]
uuuunh. i don't know. i watched again, and there was no physical contact at all...
but he seems to be a force of good for now. when the first acts, it seems so obvious, so blatantly manipulative...
and that eyeball thingy would've noticed.
we're being played.
i'm a total dork.
20 something days.
but he seems to be a force of good for now. when the first acts, it seems so obvious, so blatantly manipulative...
and that eyeball thingy would've noticed.
we're being played.
i'm a total dork.
20 something days.