Going out of town this weekend with some friends. Probably gonna swing by Austin/San Antonio/Houston. Just gonna have a little fun, maybe get laid, and check out the music scene. I'm open to suggestions, because nothing is really set in stone at this point. Drop me a line with cool ideas/things to do.
[EDIT] Who woulda thought a picture of a rabbit would be so....

[EDIT] Who woulda thought a picture of a rabbit would be so....
Had to stop by & congratulate you on the perfect Easter Bunny pic. And the amusing bunny story that followed was even funnier...what? traumatising??? what do you mean?? I thought...oh nevermind. Hoorah for timely dead bunnies and appropriately placed chocolate eggs!

No worries, man! Thanx for the apology; it happened a long time ago and now I just think it functions as a reminder of the fucked-up things in life. Shit happens, and ya learn from it. Ya know? What's your rabbit story?