OMG I just watched the new show Significant Others, and I just about died laughing.
On a more sombre note, I have been thinking of ways of postponing my trip to Austin a day or two to make it to the parade. Sadly they seem more and more impractical the more I consider them. Oh well, I'll hang with you guys and gals later then.
(Jesus, I need to get a thesaurus, look at how many times I used "more." Hooray for public schools!)
[EDIT] I just realized you can add yourself as a friend. ROFLMAO!
On a more sombre note, I have been thinking of ways of postponing my trip to Austin a day or two to make it to the parade. Sadly they seem more and more impractical the more I consider them. Oh well, I'll hang with you guys and gals later then.
(Jesus, I need to get a thesaurus, look at how many times I used "more." Hooray for public schools!)

[EDIT] I just realized you can add yourself as a friend. ROFLMAO!
YOU need to go to the parade!