So yeah, I saw a therapist for the first time in my life on Thursday. That was interesting, she had these two cute little puppies in her office, I kind of wanted to get off the couch and into the floor to play with them. Apparently I'm right on the cusp of needing medication for my depression, which sucks I hate taking meds to treat symptoms, but we're going to try to get me out without the drugs. I've started eating better, exercising more, shaving
, and I have actually started to feel like a human being again. She said I should journal almost everyday, and I've been doing it on my laptop just because pen and paper was so last millennium I guess, but she says it is supposed to be something private where you can share your thoughts. After two days, I realized nobody reads this anyway, so I might as well do it here, and you know what, this actually feels even better. Who knew being a member of Suicide Girls would help me exercise my demons? I could be one of their testimonials if they ever do an infomercial. I got the color done on most of the medusa's snakes Friday night, here's a couple of quick pics because I'm too lazy to get a good one for my photo album.
Oh yeah, I've been meaning to mention the amount of plus sized girls that are getting their sets approved is sweet, it could be better, but this site used to be for really thin girls. I'm so glad I can actually check out hot, alternative, thick women. If you hadn't guessed, that is as close to a type as I get. I'm going to end with a quote from the hilarious move Hot Rod "I'm not going to say that...was hot or anything. But if the boner police are here, I want a lawyer!"

Oh yeah, I've been meaning to mention the amount of plus sized girls that are getting their sets approved is sweet, it could be better, but this site used to be for really thin girls. I'm so glad I can actually check out hot, alternative, thick women. If you hadn't guessed, that is as close to a type as I get. I'm going to end with a quote from the hilarious move Hot Rod "I'm not going to say that...was hot or anything. But if the boner police are here, I want a lawyer!"

going to a therapist is the smartest thing you've ever done, was I the only one reading your journal?