I have so enjoyed being alone this week. No bitching, no kids, just me, this computer and my xbox. But sadly, the party is over, all things come to an end, because 'they' are coming back. Don't get me wrong, I miss them a lot, but it is just nice to every once and a while be able to just sit and veg without someone constantly nagging me.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 23, 2005
I am officially going through withdrawls now that the 360 is official… -
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
Thinking about putting up my first website to show off some of my art… -
Saturday Sep 03, 2005
Yeah Yeah, I see that I spelled suicide wrong in my latest desktop. … -
Sunday Aug 07, 2005
ahhh. what to do on a rainy Sunday...... I suppose a new desktop pho… -
Saturday Apr 16, 2005
Haven't updated in quite a while. Been playing a lot of video games … -
Tuesday Dec 28, 2004
I just saw on the main page that there are something like 460 suicide… -
Friday Dec 24, 2004
Wow, I know it is a little late, but I finally caught the Suicide Gir… -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
Why oh why is Christmas here already! We haven't done the first bit … -
Wednesday Dec 15, 2004
ahhh, just getting over a cold. Felt like crap on Friday and through… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2004
Been gone for a while, but now I am back. Going to get some more des…
So I really really love the last desktops, especially the one from come clean and especially the cyborg one