I am officially going through withdrawls now that the 360 is officially out and I can't get it. What do you do when your other half says absolutely no way, but I have been addicted to gaming for most of my life. I mean granted, it cost more then my monthly mortgage payment but come on, where's the love? frown
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! biggrin
Thinking about putting up my first website to show off some of my art. Will update soon.
Yeah Yeah, I see that I spelled suicide wrong in my latest desktop. I guess I should use speel chek next time whatever I had to redeem myself by doing another with no text this time. If you do like the latest jetta one, just open it up in paint and paint over the text. later.....
ahhh. what to do on a rainy Sunday......frown I suppose a new desktop photo will do.....
Oh MAN!! That is SO my new favorite desktop by you! love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love

Awesome smile
Haven't updated in quite a while. Been playing a lot of video games lately. I think I am getting addicted. Like I wasn't already. It is very quite around here now.....
Bro you didn't by chance do a piece in a place called the Crow Bar in San Diego or LA, I can't remember which...???
I just saw on the main page that there are something like 460 suicide girls on this site now. I remember when there were like 10.
gooall biggrin
Lots of picutres to look at. Sometimes I can't keep up with them all!!!

Nice to meet you....

Wow, I know it is a little late, but I finally caught the Suicide Girls special on HBO this morning! smile
Why oh why is Christmas here already! We haven't done the first bit of shopping and are not looking forward to getting out there in the herds of people this weekend. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! puke
ahhh, just getting over a cold. Felt like crap on Friday and through the weekend and feel better on Monday. Work is not as crazy as it has been over the past few weeks being that we have accepted the fact that we are not going to meet our deadlines. Today is the first really colder day of the season so far, was about 40...
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really cool desktops! My favorite is the 2nd one where I look like a cool android. I love getting your desktop suprises. smile I also couldn't help but feel a moment of "ah ha HA! He's ALL mine!!!" seeing myself as your only friend. I should say that I WOULD share if others come along...

Been gone for a while, but now I am back. Going to get some more desktops completed while I have time. Hope everyone enjoys. surreal
Well, we have gotten through two storms now. But, I see an Ivan in our near future, what is going on here. Is it the end of the world as we know it?
Storms coming! Gotta get outta here. I will be taking my Jetta PC with me. eeek