I have basically trained myself to orgasm only one way: by keeping my legs straight and clenching. It is seri0usly the only way I can orgasm.
Therefore, i just enjoy sex and not worry about trying to orgasm during. (it has never happened because it is impossible to with the way I need to be laying - even if im on my stomach, legs straight, stimulating myself...i clinch to hard lol)
I just know my partner will either have to give me oral while my legs are straight or lay next to me and stimulate me that way and its never be an issue.
But, I am attempting to re-learn how to orgasm in different positions.
Am I the only weirdo with this problem?
I am a little bit similar actually. I grew up christian (I'm atheist now) and believed that having sex when not married was a sin, so I did not have sex until I was 29 years old. When I started to have sex my partner became pregnant almost right away and the relationship issues that developed after that pretty much put a stop to having sexy again. All that said, I have spent a significant portion of my life having to masturbate in order to orgasm, and it is sometimes hard for me to orgasm, or even focus on having sex, because my brain is used to such a different set of stimuli when it comes to staying engaged. My current partner and I actually do try and have fun with it though, and like @cooltone23 said, practice makes perfect (well, actually it makes permanent, the perfect is debatable ;) ) Anyway, probably TMI there, but I know your struggle!
@elixic not TMI at all - thank you for sharing 😊