WOW!!! ive found possibly the nicest person in the world.
this guy right here..I_am_TRANSFORMER
this is matt and he is the nicest person ever. he always says the nicest things to me that make me put my hand over my eyes and face when because he makes me blush. i am like a school girl all over again.
he sent me a cd he made the other day with all the best songs on it, because in an earlier blog i wrote this..
whats the best way to show a girl you like her? give her a mixed tape/burnt cd.
and yesterday for valentines day.. he sent me this..

i could not believe it. i was so happy.
im not going to say too much becuase he will be reading this.
but matt, you are the greatest.i cant wait till you are here. xxxx
i made these cakes at work yesterday. so much effort goes into making these and we sell them for less than $2.50.
if you went to a restaurant they would sell for like $8. i feel like my efforts are going unapreciated. my mum always goes on about how they are the best seller, but thats becuase me and my sister eat them all when shes not looking.

this guy right here..I_am_TRANSFORMER

this is matt and he is the nicest person ever. he always says the nicest things to me that make me put my hand over my eyes and face when because he makes me blush. i am like a school girl all over again.
he sent me a cd he made the other day with all the best songs on it, because in an earlier blog i wrote this..
whats the best way to show a girl you like her? give her a mixed tape/burnt cd.
and yesterday for valentines day.. he sent me this..

i could not believe it. i was so happy.
im not going to say too much becuase he will be reading this.
but matt, you are the greatest.i cant wait till you are here. xxxx
i made these cakes at work yesterday. so much effort goes into making these and we sell them for less than $2.50.
if you went to a restaurant they would sell for like $8. i feel like my efforts are going unapreciated. my mum always goes on about how they are the best seller, but thats becuase me and my sister eat them all when shes not looking.
