Friday Dec 26, 2008 Dec 26, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email this is what my xmas looked like.. my cousins... my grandma.. WORD>>> VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS obeypabst: Thanks for the kind words! It's nice to hear from time to time that I ain't repulsive, specially from a smoking hot lady as yourself! If you ever want a rad dude as a penpal in the states, let a bro know. I would love a person to trade fun packages with! Snail mail and packages are so fun compared to email! Dec 28, 2008 weso: It was weird. No one got hammered. There was no music playing loudly. I feel... off. hahaha. Dec 28, 2008
It's nice to hear from time to time that I ain't repulsive, specially from a smoking hot lady as yourself!
If you ever want a rad dude as a penpal in the states, let a bro know. I would love a person to trade fun packages with!
Snail mail and packages are so fun compared to email!