Once again, I'm feeling too much like a failure as an artist. The only thing that makes me a failure, of course, is myself. I've given myself a task. I guess it's kind of like a new year's resolution, because it's starting at the new year, but I don't really do new year's resolutions, so maybe not. My task is to do a self portrait every day. My friend (and cousin) gave me this cool comic where the idea was just that. They guy would draw an autobiographical comic strip every day for a year. Anyway, he kept doing it and it seemed like he liked it a lot. So I'm going to do the (non-comic) artist's equivalent, so that something cohesive comes of this. I also decided to finally start painting that one thing. But it's giving me trouble. Transfering the sketch is giving me trouble. So I think I'm going to cheat and take it to kinkos to blow it up so that everything I've already drawn can stay the way I like it. I spent like four hours on that drawing. Maybe more. It seems silly to do it all over again. And no, I'm just not good enough to trasfer it, apparently. I tried twice, with two different methods and failed.
I'm on a muffin kick. I want to make the best apple muffins EVER. So far, I'm not terribly close. But I'll get there, dammit, and then everyone will be knocking down my door to get my muffin recipe.
In other news, a friend is preggers, and another is engaged. Good lord. I'm trying to be happy for the engaged one. The preggers one, that's ok. She'll make a good mom. She's a preschool teacher.
I'm on a muffin kick. I want to make the best apple muffins EVER. So far, I'm not terribly close. But I'll get there, dammit, and then everyone will be knocking down my door to get my muffin recipe.
In other news, a friend is preggers, and another is engaged. Good lord. I'm trying to be happy for the engaged one. The preggers one, that's ok. She'll make a good mom. She's a preschool teacher.
The daily self portrait res is a pretty innovative one compared to the usual. I hope it goes somewhere. I love art and I think being an artist would be inordinately cool but I have very crappy motivational traits. Have a good year, at any rate.