A friend of mine actually found successful results by using the "missed connections" section of Craigslist personals. How is this possible? What is the likelihood that someone would randomly check there after a silly, brief conversation? Impossible. But now I have become somewhat obsessive about looking. Not because I think it will happen to me, that anyone will write a missed connection for me, I don't really go out enough, or lock eyes enough. But it's so intreguing to watch these people attempt to make a connection, often obviously too little too late.
One that I really liked was entitled Nixon in China (an opera):
"You look handsome in that tuxedo."
"You look beautiful in that dress."
Will I see you at Don Giovanni? Must I wait until then?
One that I really liked was entitled Nixon in China (an opera):
"You look handsome in that tuxedo."
"You look beautiful in that dress."
Will I see you at Don Giovanni? Must I wait until then?