A while back, I bought a book at Powell's called "Hell Hath No Fury". It's a collection of women's letters at the end of a relationship. It's just fantastic. Today was a bit internally dramatic for no particular reason other than the fact that I chose to stare at a 15" screen for the better part of twelve hours and not really ever brave the cold and go outside, so what I really needed, it turns out, was to read a bunch of intelligent, articulate women either express their love and pain or tell a man to go to hell, or you know, both. That worked out pretty well for me. Now it's 11 and I'm hungry as all fuck, but I have no money.... And I don't want to put in the effort to make something real... Stupid no debit card.
More Blogs
Saturday May 06, 2006
oo1.Tattoo. I have huge boobs. No really. What that meant was that w… -
Saturday Apr 29, 2006
I have one incredible hangover today. And I did something debauch… -
Friday Apr 28, 2006
Pre-Renn Fayre (Yesterday): boy i missed came into town. we walked up… -
Wednesday Apr 26, 2006
Holy Mother Fucking God Damn! I am fucking done! I am done! Als… -
Sunday Apr 23, 2006
Oh my god my thesis is due in a matter of days. I really should put s… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
All things considered, I'm doing incredibly well. Everything is comin… -
Saturday Apr 15, 2006
I want to be speaking/writing in another language, but it has been to… -
Thursday Apr 13, 2006
Well I didn't get into the Teach For America program, the one thing I… -
Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
So part of the thing about theis is that you have to defend it in fro… -
Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
Here's a question off OKCupid. Yeah. Shutup. All relationships req…