A while back, I bought a book at Powell's called "Hell Hath No Fury". It's a collection of women's letters at the end of a relationship. It's just fantastic. Today was a bit internally dramatic for no particular reason other than the fact that I chose to stare at a 15" screen for the better part of twelve hours and not really ever brave the cold and go outside, so what I really needed, it turns out, was to read a bunch of intelligent, articulate women either express their love and pain or tell a man to go to hell, or you know, both. That worked out pretty well for me. Now it's 11 and I'm hungry as all fuck, but I have no money.... And I don't want to put in the effort to make something real... Stupid no debit card.
More Blogs
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
The pandas at the San Diego Zoo must particularly enjoy the night tim… -
Thursday Mar 09, 2006
Stress is apparently not something I deal with well. For a long time … -
Sunday Jan 08, 2006
Still sick like whoa. Wish I could hear out of my left ear. W… -
Saturday Jan 07, 2006
I never would have thought, but my party went extraordinarily well. I… -
Tuesday Dec 06, 2005
Holy Jesus. So I just invited a ton of people that I haven't seen sin… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
Last night, a few of us went to Union Jack's to see the lovely Marie …