Hi to everybody!!!
I Start introducing myself... I'm Lyona from Spain and I'm not very good talking English but I'll do my best
I knew this page quite a long time ago and finally, when I met Ivy, I decided to take some pics. It was my first time but it was a very nice experience, really funny!!
I would like to thanks Ivy, cuz he's a true professional and it was a pleasure to work with, and to Devushka because she's so looovely!!
I'm very happy to be part of that site and I would like to make lots of friends here.
oiiink oiiink!! byebye piiigs!
I Start introducing myself... I'm Lyona from Spain and I'm not very good talking English but I'll do my best

I knew this page quite a long time ago and finally, when I met Ivy, I decided to take some pics. It was my first time but it was a very nice experience, really funny!!
I would like to thanks Ivy, cuz he's a true professional and it was a pleasure to work with, and to Devushka because she's so looovely!!

I'm very happy to be part of that site and I would like to make lots of friends here.

que tal llevas las fiestas navideas?
muxo villancico o que?
espero que no. XD
sabes algo de alma? a ver si se encuentra mejor i todo? x qe no tengo ni su facebook, ni su movil...ni na.
un besin bien grande wapa
xaaaaaaao belissimaaaa!!